Business Regulations
Experience, Work Quality, & Consistency.
Experience, work quality, and consistency have built our reputation and relationship with regulatory authorities. Routinely working with your local regulators makes us the best choice to liaise on your behalf. Having firsthand experience applying for a multitude of different permits and providing assistance in maintaining compliance in a variety of industries gives us the background necessary to navigate the difficulties of permitting and compliance.
Regulatory Requirements
SPCC/FRP Plans Development & Review.
Oil has become a way of life. Be it motor oil, fuel oil, perfumes or essential oils, we have a duty to protect our environment from the negative effects these chemicals can have so that generations to come may continue to enjoy the world as we do in good health. A-C-T continues to provide its clients with efficient and effective plans to meet regulatory requirements and including the client to the level desired in the plans during generation.
Water Management
Stormwater, Wastewater, NPDES Permitting & Controls.
Water is all around us and although clean drinking water may be harder to find, we often times find ourselves with more water than we can handle. At A-C-T, we pride ourselves in finding a cost-effective solution to address these challenges. Through planning, permitting, and performance, A-C-T has the capability to relieve the burden of your water related stress.
Removing Contamination
Soil & Groundwater Remediation System, Design, Pilot Testing & Installation.
Contamination is nothing new. Short of removing stains from your clothes, we have the equipment and personal experience delineating and remediating contamination from multiple medias. From designing systems to remove solvents from groundwater over 150’ below ground to insitu chemical/biological injections in soil/groundwater near the surface, we have experience with multiple techniques and will know the best approach for your needs.
Protect Your Workers
Dewatering - Pump & Treat Systems.
With thousands of known contaminated sites in the state and the relatively shallow groundwater table, it stands to reason that if you are performing earth work below grade, eventually, you will encounter groundwater with contaminants or be working adjacent to a site with contamination. Protect your workers and ensure you are not drawing contamination into your work area. We have mobilized multiple mobile units to address a multitude of different flow rates and contaminant concentrations in relatively small footprints. We will work with you to minimize these impacts to construction should you find yourself in this type of situation.
Hazard Awareness
Process Hazard Analysis & Hazard & Operability Studies.
Hazards are all around us. Coming together and sharing experiences between facilities helps us grow as a nation. Learning from errors that others have paid for is one of the most cost-effective ways to prevent disastrous consequences in your own facility. A-C-T responds to hundreds of spill calls each year. Being a company that often sees the aftermath of these consequences throughout a diverse clientele base strengthens our understanding of process hazards and makes us one of the best companies to bring new ideas and past experience from multiple disciplines and facilities to the table.
CIP Inspections
Containment Integrity Plan Inspections &/or Secondary Containment Certifications.
Based on the age of your facility, you may have CIP inspections or need to have your secondary containment certified/re-certified if you store more than 110 gallons of mineral acids. Hiring the right consultant can save money in the long term. Experience and attention to detail make A-C-T your go-to consultant.
Drone Assisted Inspections.
Innovative technologies and drone applications remove our guys from dangerous situations as well as provide high quality imagery from safe distances. We have successfully deployed our drones to provide reconnaissance in potentially hazardous atmospheres, observe osprey nests for activity, record topographical information during berm inspections, collect infrared information during tank monitoring, detail site grading and inspect hard to reach locations. We frequently use drones to provide real time aerials during projects for status reports and Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) to review and locate recognized environmental conditions.
Facility Compliance
Title V & Non-Title V Air Permitting.
A-C-T has employed engineers with vast air experience from regulatory experience as permit writers and compliance inspectors to facility engineering to maintain facility compliance. Together, A-C-T's team of engineers have the necessary background to guide you through the permitting process or ensure your compliance with current operational permits. When having the right team makes all the difference, choose A-C-T to be on your side.
Facilities Compliance
Environmental Regulatory Permitting & Compliance.
Air, soil, water, chemicals, and processes, it seems like everything is regulated these days. Fortunately, you do not have to figure it all out on your own. A-C-T has a diverse group of project managers, geologists, engineers, plant operators, and disposal experts. This diversity makes us one of your best assets. Having “been there and done that” for local and facilities nationwide, odds are, we have performed the task which you are attempting to undertake yourself. As your consultant, your regulatory compliance and fiscal stewardship is how we measure our success.